This is an ideal tour for those with a real interest in this period of history but whose time is limited.

In the morning I will collect you from your hotel reception and give you a detailed private tour of the Dachau Memorial Site.

I am a very long-standing Dachau Memorial guide and over the years I have met many ex-prisoners, their families, and liberators. I will tell you some of their stories.

We have lunch at Dachau, and then in the afternoon we return to Munich and you will see the key sites connected with the rise of Hitler. I will give you details on how this happened in relation to the buildings we see.


Approximate duration – 8 hours

Start time – 8.30 am

Meet point – Your hotel reception

Group limit – 9 people Please

Note – The Dachau Memorial site age limit on tours is age 14 or over

Email me for prices, availability, and any questions you may have stevesww2tours@hotmail.com